James Mowat School
Hot Lunch Program
James Mowat Elementary hot lunch program is a volunteer program organized by James Mowat School Parent Advisory Association. It is supported and delivered to students by parent volunteers from our school community. With this volunteer support the program has been a successful fundraiser for many years.
Parents/Guardians will place the hot lunch orders online using MunchaLunch.com! You pay for your orders online by credit card (Visa/Mastercard). Please keep in mind when ordering multiple dates at a time, that we will NOT be issuing refunds.
1) Go to: www.munchalunch.com/schools/jamesmowat
2) Click the “Register Here” button . The system will guide you through
3) After adding your children, click the green “Order Lunch!” button to order
4) Next time, just click the “Login Here” button to access your account.
Any account changes (such as adding a second school or transferring from a school) can be done at https://munchalunch.com/account
● If you need assistance with ordering, or do not have access to the internet,
please contact jamesmowatlunch@gmail.com
● Kindergarten: Please note the dates in which your child attends.
We don't accommodate picking up orders for an absent child. If your child is absent we will consider it a donation. Consistent with previous years, there are NO REFUNDS as this is a fundraiser. We appreciate your support for our hot lunch program as the funds go to supports for the classroom and general fundraising within the school.
We are always in need of Volunteers! There is a volunteer page in the online system where you can checkmark which dates you are available. Volunteers must complete a volunteer declaration and sign in at the front office. The lunch coordinator will then contact you for clarification.
Our thanks to the James Mowat School Parent Advisory Association (JMSPAA) for supporting this important fundraiser and to our wonderful Volunteers who help make this program a success!
Please contact jamesmowatlunch@gmail.com with any questions or concerns.